Monday, August 25, 2014

Chapter I [Summer]: Session IV 80314 – 81614

Session IV  80314 – 81614: starting off this session with some throwback bodybuilding intentions. When I was fat I moved much more weight. I cheated my way to strength and power. That was almost 20 years ago, so I was younger and probably not stronger and certainly less educated in the ways of exercise fitness and weight lifting and especially diet. I was however more desperate and determined to get rid of the 50 extra pounds I had on me. I need that hunger back. I want numbers – not reckless numbers, but I’ll cheat my way back especially on cable machines. This is [my] pre-bodybuilding – getting my mind together & diet and yeah… technique.

Yeah.. Let’s do it!!

80314 [Sunday #46] – Waxing Crescent in Scorpio – I don’t think it’s a bad thing to wake up under a Scorpio moon. Wake 191 24/54: Consumed a lot of food yesterday. Hit only one but drained a lot. Only morning exercise and the day [a 5] was as good as it could be without a big fitness day. Legs are NOT sore upon walking. I am happy about that. AM exercises – about 48 minutes, usual stuff, plus leg work with ankle weights. Back bends and neck work as well. Yesterday’s eating wasn’t bad… didn’t really eat that much, several mid-sized to small meals. Brunch today, then back and biceps.

YMCA Sunday – I’ve gotten used to getting to the Y after work on Sundays so it was fairly normal to go after brunch in Manayunk. Took about 90 minutes to get there, which was just enough time for food to get into the bloodstream and go two 20+ minute cardio walks in too and from the bus stop.
Bent Barbell Row: 2 warm up sets 130 lbs about 16 reps & 12: 140 lbs 3 sets 6-8 reps
Wide grip pull ups on the smith: 3 x 5 Ugh, felt weak!
Dumbbell Row- [wraps] 90 lbs, 6-8-10 reps each. – Rugged!!
Reverse grip pull down pyramid/ladders: [Cable]










60 reps

Seated Row – Supinated 135 2 x 10 150 x 10 – These wiped me out.
Concentration curls. [Cable] – many sets to failure. Tried some drops sets but started too high. Biceps are weak and need conditioning.
80 minutes.

80414 – [Monday #47] – First Quarter in Scorpio. Wake 191 22/54. 4AM +10 minutes snooze. Pretty strong waking, no soreness in the back, but right lateral forearm sore from curls.

Protein bkft: beans, lentils, cheese, shrooms, TCB, no tea. Didn’t feel the need or desire from a cup of tea. Almost to the point that I didn’t want it, but was worried about the results/effects.

AM calisthenics – usual movement/cardio & back bend and neck work, balance bridges on the bill. I am cowardly about doing burpees, but they rev me up. Note to self [again] back to burpees.

Got to second. I can feel the lats playing up when I go down the steps.

Sore from yesterday. Legs are sore from ankle weight leg curls, awesome. Thinking shoulders, trapz, calves? Abs before spin class. Have to take it easy on the shoulder so trapz first, posterior delts, light military press, lateral raises and front raises. BLAM!! Third base.

All day at work is a drag, but I come alive in the gym!

YMCA – Trapz-shoulders-calves:

Smith shrugs:
70 x 20
140 x 12
210 x 8
210 x 10
210 x 10

Good weight.
Bent Hammer Flies: 30s x 10 x 12 x 15 x 16
Seated Military Press. Barbell/Bar warm up. +10s x 10, +12.5s x (6 – 8 – 8)! Good weight. 30 minutes in. shoulder felt good.

Seated Cable shoulder press, neutral grip:
50lbs x 16: 60 x 12: 70 x 7: 70 x 10.
Calf raises [on steps]; 40-30-20-10, calf press on chest press machine [3 sets].
Dumbbell flies + front raises – 25 lbs. 3 sets of 10 & 2 sets of 10.

Then, spin class – I felt like I was baggin’ it in class, but I was super revved from the pre-work out. 2 hours total… 6 day.. HIGH 6!!

Knocked out 5 today and a little bit of exercise before bed, or did I? I think I worked with the balance ball.

80514 – [Tuesday #48] – Waxing Gibbous in ScorpioWake 188.5 22/54. Actually woke before the alarm. It wasn’t a tough wake-up. The body is just sore from the weight training. Got up and did morning cardio, back and neck work and stretches with ankle weights on. I can now do 100 reps of open arms, where 20 was once a struggle. I’m loving the upper torso results.

Third base. Last cardio sculpt of the school year. September coming up.
EZ cardio class. 2 ppl. Aqua was fun. Didn’t train. OFF Day. Maybe home stuff.

Here’s a layout of my days. Work days especially. Wake up/get up; 4 – 4:30AM. Morning exercise, most days. Big [substantial] breakfast, mostly protein, plant & animal based and veggies. At work I munch on trail mix [I make it, nuts, legumes, dried fruit] and sometimes fresh fruit from 8AM to about 11AM when I go for lunch. Lunch is mainly greens, spinach, Romaine lettuce, salad with chick peas, turkey… mostly high protein stuff, [mushrooms, tomatoes], etc. No starch. Exercise on most days. I’m either teaching a class at the Y or at Temple, if not I am lifting weights. I come home and chill with a book or some doc on youtube.  A few times a week I’ll have a protein shake, usually after a day of pumping iron. Try to wind down with fruit, nuts, cup of tea and sometimes some light exercises, stretching across my back mostly and my neck. Occasionally dinner, but almost never a big meal. Sometimes after a session at Temple my post workout meal comes from 7-11 or Wawa.

Feeling the results of yesterday’s workout in my upper back… and loving it. Cheese before bed. Is that paleo?

If I eat the same and train more efficiently I should see good gains/results/definition.

80614 [Wednesday #49] – Waxing Gibbous in Sagittarius Wake 188.5  32/49. Mid-week +17 minutes snooze. Slow wake b/c I was awakened from an obscure dream.

Morning cardio – 20 minutes running in place w/ stick and weights, [8 lbs] added. Wasn’t very exciting, but got it in. I had to.

Pretty sore today. No lifting yesterday and today it’s YGX so maybe straight from work to the Y, work legs then teach the class. Maybe inverted leg press on the smith, EZ Romanian dead lifts, leg extension drop sets, seated leg curls, front squats – not exactly in that order.

Got to second base on two small hits.

Legs day and my legs feel heavy. [At the gig]. The game is moving slowly. 3 light hits, but I might score today anyway… we’ll see.

YMCA – Legs
Inverted Leg Press
On the Smith
Warm up with 4 plates.
Worked up to 8 plates
Finished 4 sets of at least 10 reps.
Front Barbell squats
From the floor.
Bar only warm up
Added 20 lbs. each set
Progressed to 30 lbs on each side.
Failed at 35 lbs plates.
Oh well, I’ll take it.
Romanian deadlifts
Maybe 160 lbs.
3 strong sets of 8
Last set of 6. It got heavy quickly.
Leg extension Cable
Machine drop sets
Started at 135 and dropped to 45
100 reps.
Seated leg curls
Don’t remember the weight
Just repped. I need this!!
Good work.

Also lots of calf presses between press sets. They were actually more like super sets.
YGX – Functional Fitness Class was strong . Got it in. This was a 6 day.
Also got my homer at the Y.

Did some yard work when I got home, pulling weeds and stuff. I was pretty wiped out. Very light snacking before bed and tea of course. The “win” was that I didn’t have two cups. G’nite.

80714 [Thursday #50] – Waxing Gibbous in Sagittarius – Wake 188.5: 26/52 – Light exercise, upper body & hammies. Rough getting up. +31 minutes. Got one early. Chest day @ Temple, then aqua aerobics.

Since the beginning of this session I’ve gained 24 [gross] pounds and lost 22.5, showing a net gain of 1.5 lbs. I’ve been in pre-body building mode for a week or two. Now vacation’s coming up and I hope I can continue working out so I don’t have to re-start.

#3… Chest and triceps day & Pool.

Incline DB Press
Warm up set 40 lbs. then 45s, 7 50s sets of 10
Can probably work with 55s
Flat flies
30s to start, advance to 40s
Can probably rock 45s next
Incline BB press
Bar + 25s
2 x 6: 8 on the last set.
Pull overs
60 lbs 3 x 10
Heroic sets. Fatigued at this pt.
Rope pull down
Progressive wt.
4 sets close to 10 reps.
Straight arm
Pulldown cable
Progressive 3 or 4 sets

Standing triceps behind the head
45 lbs. 3 x 10
No biggie, go bigger next time?
Seated chest press: machine
3 x 10
Done at this point.

Chest & Triceps are DONE!!! They are pumped. Picked my weights and worked to near failure because I have no trainer/spotter. Got a little post shakes going on. Grab a lil something before the pool.
#4… Post workout homer.

Aqua was brutal, but satisfying. Aqua-tabata – 4 minutes straight. Take note, perfect after the workouts. September, this should be my Thursday thing.

Chilled at home before bed. Cheese and blueberries & tea. Cookies after aqua… did I mention that?

80814 [Friday #51] – Waxing Gibbous in Capricorn: wake 188.5 28/51… extra 31 minutes just because… it’s Friday. No point in getting up at 4AM, so 4:30 makes more sense. Turkey burger, tomato & cheese for breakfast. Wasn’t very hungry.

First base at the gig – just relaxing today. Thinking of a park workout cardio day… or a long walk, or just a day in, but it’s an ice day.

Decided to hang out with Xave after work. Got mussels, meat bread, beer and did some walking, then met up w/ Bobbi B – no more drinking. Home early… bed early. Was feeling it after the 2nd beer. 4-day – Off Day – cheat day… Got three.

80914 [Saturday #52] – Waxing Gibbous in Capricorn – wake 191.5 Made the right choice last night. Home, laundry, bed. Up at 5AM +30 mins. Just because. Plan today, back & biceps, then Saturday surprise at the Y. Feeling the 2 beers just a little bit. Quick bkft. Tea, TBC, egg white & shrooms.

The cheat weight is up consistently. I am ½ lb heavier… call it muscle. The bod looks tighter, even the belly. So I’m on the right track.
Back & Biceps YMCA
Barbell rows
140 x 12:
150 x 10;
160 x 10
2 @ 170 x6
I can handle more weight, but go slow.

Wide pull ups on the smith
*Full extension

Bent Hammer flies
35 lbs
12; 10; 10

1 arm DB row
100 lbs
8: 8: 10 each
Now I gotta do 100s all the time.

Didn’t get to the curls. Maybe later today. Saturday surprise was good. Coaching mostly. Always up for it.

Brunch with Sheyna. By 2-3 PM I was done for the day. Mostly house chores and a nap.

Got a few sets of dumbbell curls in between folding clothes and cooking beans.

Generally I get no homers on the weekends. Maybe because I eat differently or I am on the move too much. Who knows? Maybe this is the cause of weekend weight gain.

81014 [Sunday #53] – Full Moon in Aquarius [super moon]: wake 191.5 33/49. What I haven’t done in a few days is back bend & neck work, early morning exercises. There’s still time to do this today. Let’s see if I can get to the Y between noon & 1 and to sundae before 6P.

Who’s on first. Feeling kind of sleepy, even though I slept well. Ate[beans] and had tea. Maybe it’s time to move. AM cardio. Get it done… burpees.

It’s a lazy Sunday and I have to kick it into gear. Note, rt lateral elbow, there’s a tight tendon? That needs alchemical adjustment. Keep it in mind.

AM Cardio two rounds: Zodiac fitness. Yes it’s a gimmick. Instead of 7 exercises we do 12. I go with rep/counts when I’m alone but time can also be used.

1. Run in place
Best way to start off I think.
Go for time or count steps.
2.  Jumping Jacks
This ups the HR & calorie burn.
Jump it or step it. Tempo is up to you.
3. Heal-toe hop
Almost a back pedal

4. Shadow box
100 – 200 punches any type. Or for time

5. Burpees
Step it out, jump out.
Go at your own pace.
6. Mt. Climbers
Run, step, twist
You can do this standing, but the point is to be on the floor.
7. Plank Jacks
Jump or step

8. Push Ups
Toes, or knees, wide or close
Pick a # and keep at it til you get it.
9. Jumping front lunges
Pick your depth
Or do lunge squats
10. Front Kicks
Count or time
Kick higher each round
11. Power squats
Or air squats

12. twist out
This is oblique work

Off my schedule but it’s ok. Had to unstop a drain. Going to second base I think.

YMCA- Trapz: Shoulders: Calves & abs.
Barbell shrugs, w/ wraps
190 – warm up:16
240 x 12
300 x 10
320 x 8 ish.
Felt strong with the wraps. Take the grip out of the picture & work the body part.
+Calf raises on the smith w/ a riser.
Bar + 45s;35s;25s
10 – 16 reps.
These were done between shrug sets. Also did no wt. calf raises.
Seated military press barbell
 Started w/ 15s ended at 25s.
10 – 6 reps each. Shoulders hung in there & getting stronger.
Shin flex
Don’t know the weight 10 – 20 reps.
Did these between mil-pres sets.
DB shrugs, neutral
60 lbs. 3 x 20
Low weight/high reps.
Upright row w/ EZ Curl bar.
10s x 13:
12.5x 12
15 x 10s
15.5 x 10 reps
Take it easy on the shoulders.
Standing shoulder laterals.
20s 3 x 10
25s 1 x 6

Lying shoulder raises.
12 lbs 3 x 8
These are tough, do more often.
Seated shoulder laterals
8 lbs 2 x 8 reps
Increased to 10 lbs last set of 8.

DONE!! 90 minutes went fast… strong.
Made it to sundae. Dark beer (1 mug) and iced tea.
Evening curls: sets w/ 10s, 12s, & 20s. and work down. Basically I’m doing late night pyramids. I think I can do this a few  times a week, maybe on off days. Especially if/when I skip curls in the gym. Have to repair the right elbow though.

No dinner. Cheese and pistachios Before bed.

81114 [Monday #54] – Full Moon in Aquarius – wake 189.5 29/50. The moon is shining through the front window. Awakened from a pretty good dream by the alarm. Up in 5 minutes. Looking at the numbers, the recovery has started, but I may not drop back to 188.5. May have to accept another half-pound or so as a result of the lifting. I wonder if I should make vacation full cardio? Or at least try to.

Morning exercise; return of Eat Sweat: Zodiac protocol (I’m pulling this off by not going straight through.)  Two rounds. Plus old school sit ups and stretch…  yoga-frog. Tea after. The sugar tastes sweeter. I should cut down. Got skeeter bites on my left leg in back, they had a good meal. Spin today, OFF workout day.

The GIG: Body parts are sore. My trapz for sure and the outer parts of my shoulders, due to those straight shoulder raises. I’ve GOT to do MORE of them. I want rounder, stronger, less vulnerable shoulders. I can do these at home also and leave the heavier work to the gym[s].

Medium strong spin class today. The difference between a pre-workout before spin class and going straight into it is amazing. I may have to ‘pre-game’ even on off days. I’m stronger in class when I work out first. High 5 day, early morning cardio and spin. May stretch tonight. It’s always iffy.

81214 [Tuesday #55] – Waning Gibbous in Pisces wake 188 29/51
Moon in Pisces: The Pisces zodiacal sign is mysterious and obscure. They are characterized by self, sacrifice, mysticism, compassion, idealism, vulnerability, sacrifice, spiritual apathy.
When the Moon is in Pisces, emotions prevail over rational thinking. Sensitivity and inclination to fantasy can oppose the common sense. You become dreamers and search for solitude.
In this time it's difficult to concentrate, there is a possibility of calculation mistake, emotions and feelings have an unfavorable influence upon work-efficiency.
Indulge yourself in music, painting, poetry, read an interesting book. Take care of your inner peace and avoid communal activities.
The influence of this sign is often characterized with a feeling of deep and indescribable sadness, and this feeling helps poets and composers to create.
The danger of fungal and viral diseases increases. Avoid alcohol beverages, stagnant and suspicious foods, strong medicines.
In the "Moon in Pisces" period avoid surgical intervention in the area of feet and toes.

The alarm woke me up – went for 30 more minutes. Still got up and did 30 minutes of Eat Sweat Zodiac. Felt good. Came up dripping. Tea, 1 scoop of sugar. Something’s happening, is it sweeter or is it me? Beans & tofu from breakfast. This is a good sweat. Great way to start. Legs today after meeting with Ty.

*Leg curls with ankle weights, about 100 reps [in the morning after Eat Sweat]. Legs are becoming more flexible. First base. Strong hit. El steps, climb has been normal… 5s.
Third base, sliding in. Feeling the body action. Noting this is after the full moon. Keep track of the Moon and purge events. Hmmm.
Homer in media. Good feedback from Ty +8%-ish. Pre-meal duck for legs day.

Here’s the plan: Can I pull off front and back squats? Lunge squats? Light deadlifts, leg extensions – power & leg curls??

YMCA Legs Day
#5 pre workout and #6 interrupted my session. But no biggie. I felt weak during the workout, but got 45 minutes in. Had to modify my plan – so it went like this:

Squats 190 lbs 5 x 5: It felt like the first time doing squats!! I’ll have a long climb back to 320… well maybe not that long.

Romanian dead lifts 5 x 5 Low energy. Did I start too late. I was wondering if I’d been awake too long before I started lifting. I wonder if there is such a thing??

Front squats 100 lbs 3 x 5 [#6 hits, maybe some sickness coming or is it healing?] In any case I had to leave the workout here. It happens.

Today’s factors; rain, felt cold at work earlier today. Not chills, just that the room seemed colder. I listened to a bunch of Solfeggio so-called healing frequencies at work behind the music. Late start? Duck dinner, which should have been digested by workout time. Mosquito bites & rash. Keep these in mind, but it could be anything. Body purge gives hints. The day after the full moon too… supposed to be a good day for getting rid of parasites.

Felt better after getting home. Drank tea… tea cures everything. Just chilled. Went to be at normal time, read until my eyes wouldn’t stay open.

81314 [Wednesday #56] – Waning Gibbous in Pisces: wake 188 27/52.

Once again interrupted by the alarm. Good sleeping weather and good sleep. I took 40 extra minutes because I knew I wouldn’t be training this morning. Chest day at the Y followed by Functional fitness, so no need for early morning cardio, especially after yesterday.

I felt bad – but not BAD… more on the brink. I listened to my body & gave it/us a break. Legs day will resume Thursday, an OFF day – but vacation starts Saturday, so I’d better get it in.

Late hit today at the gig #1 after lunch. Not surprised after yesterday. Slowly figuring out parameters. Buffalo Chicken, peppers & salad for lunch. Here’s what I imagine chest/tris day will look like.
Incline DB Press: Flat flies: Incline BB: Pull overs. [The YMCA has a more limited selection of weights than Temple.] Close grip BB press: triceps pushdowns; rope press down.

Five sets of five squats & deadlifts got my hammies feeling special. If doing half a workout produces this result than… hmmm?

This is pre-YGX so not much time to socialize. Feeling better today than yesterday.

Got #3 @ the Y.

Chest & Triceps Done with a couple of sets of calf presses [on the slide and chest push machine.]
Incline DB Press
45 lbs warm ups two sets 16 & 12 reps.
Working sets 50 lbs. 3 x 8 Good wt.
Flat flies
40 lbs.  3 x 10
good wt.
Incline Bench
100 lbs. 3 x 7
more reps. Good wt.
DB Pullovers
60? 3 x 12
Go heavier
Close grip bb press
10s x12: 20sx10 35sx5
Get stronger
Rope pulldown
Drop sets 80-30 lbs. 100 reps
Brutal!! Do better.

Then YGX – did mostly coaching during the cardio, and full participation during weight & legs work.

Post workout protein fruit drink. Late lamb & egg whites omelet. Remembered to do a set of curls [10 lbs 30 reps total]. Also did shoulder work. Side lateral raises and seated lateral raises. 8 lbs. Do this 3 – 4 times a week and watch what happens.

81414 [Thursday #57] – Waning Gibbous in Aries: wake 189  31/50

Actually got up atteh alarm and got back into bed for 30 minutes. Decided that with yesterday’s activity there was no need to train this  morning. I nonetheless did some light leg work with the ankle weights. There’s a bit of stuff I want to do primarily at home; light legs, shoulder laterals, back bends & neck strengthening work & extra curls.

Base hit! Early.

Note: Lower ab/upper pelvic area muscle contractions [small spasms] when sitting. Pants too tight or is it something else? My pants don’t feel tight. This is happening just below my fat belly.

Going – or.. planning to finish up legs at the Y after work. Then shoot up to mom’s after I meet with Patty about the house. [House issues, drainage… ugh! – Got to address it.] #3.

Finish Legs – this was a good legs workout. I felt much better than on Tuesday. Wonder what it was?

Front Squats
120 lbs 5 x5
Glad I upped the weight. Working off the smith pegs though.
Inverted leg press; smith
6plate warm ups 15 reps + calf press. 3 x 10 w/ 8p solid!
Calf presses between lifts
30 lbs 5 sets;
6-7-8-9-10 reps
Have to stop hating lunges
Leg extension
100 reps
Drop sets 135 – 60lbs. cable machine.
Leg curls
3 x 10
Basic, but brutal after the other stuff
Stretch & out…
Just about an hour.
P= 45 lb plates.

This session went according to plan #5 – a bunt but it still counts. 11 hits in two days? Okay, I’ll take it. I’m not sick or anything. Didn’t get to shin flexes.

Came straight to the Y for the last 3 days [IBC is closed]. Making it a habit. Friday could/should be an off day. Pre-vaca – but maybe make it a home workout. I haven’t done the back bend & neck work/stretching at home in a while.

81514 [Friday #58] – Waning Gibbous in Aries : wake 189 E! good sleeping, hard to get up, but I couldn’t sleep the extra 30 minutes I gave myself. Today is an off day, so no morning workout, but maybe something this evening.

Dinner at mom’s last night. Ate chicken mostly and some friend. Surprised I don’t weigh more. Beans, tofu, spinach, cheese for breakfast.

Two hits already [9am-ish]: One at wake and one at the gig.

Been contemplating how much I want to exercise and explore while on vacation. Supposedly there’s a gym nearby? But how near is near? Can I walk it within 30 minutes? If I walk more than an hour, the walk is the work out, and might as well skip the gym. I may take my TRX stuff with me, or long walks on the beach. I think I learned how valuable long walks are in Zurich. I don’t want to drink as much as usual either. Must be disciplined. Oh yes, we do have a pool. So much pool training can be done also. Do I want to be up at 4AM as usual? Still deciding. I don’t want to be completely anti-social, but I also don’t want to get too far out of my routine, plus sunrises await.

81614 [Saturday #59] – Waning Gibbous in Taurus: wake 189 E! Got up with the alarm. Two rounds of Eat Sweat Zodiac, back bends, neck work – yoga, frog stretches, ankle weight leg curls, 50 on the floor, 50 on the bench. Happy birthday Pop. Heading to OBX-NC. Travel day.


End of session 4

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